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Marma Dreamland Pressure point massage


The Marma Dreamland pressure point massage package includes a full body massage or Abhyanga of 90 minutes in which all important marma points on the body are treated via pressure point massage. Afterwards, the herbal steam therapy is also given. This marma massage has a revitalizing effect on the metabolism and stimulates lymphatic drainage.

What can you expect from the Marma Dreamland Pressure Point Massage?

Enjoy a blissful pressure point massage from head to toe! With this body massage, the energy channels (nadis) and the energetic points (marma points) are stimulated so that the self-healing capacity of body and mind is stimulated. Depending on the patient's complaints, specific marma points will be treated. This marma massage is followed by the swedana or herbal steam therapy. This ensures the removal of the waste products that have come to the surface through the massage.

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Info Marma Dreamland Pressure point massage


single / duo massage

Duration of massage

120 minutes


full body massage

with steam therapy

including use of wellness facilities

Benefits & Effect

slows down the aging process
is nourishment for the body
prevents fatigue
stimulates longevity
harmonizes the nervous system
improves sleep quality
improves visibility and functioning of the eyes
is pleasant and relaxing


What are the benefits of the Marma Dreamland Pressure Point Massage?

The Ayurveda pressure point massage is originally intended for healthy people and is therefore part of preventive medicine. However, the Ayurvedic marma pressure point massage also helps to heal many different complaints and is an important part of a treatment program or as preparation for the Pancha Karma cure.

The body massage with stimulation of the marma points not only gives a feeling of well-being, but also helps in the healing of many ailments. The warm oil ensures a calm mind and beautiful skin. It gives a young look. The warm oil nourishes the tissues and also has an analgesic and strengthening effect on the nervous system. This massage with steam therapy has a toning effect on the skin, ensures lymphatic drainage, improves circulation and brings mental peace.

Indications / complaints

The body massage with warm oil and stimulation of the marma pressure points is recommended for nervous disorders, weakness, stress, fears, skin disorders, pain, mental problems, headaches, back pain and other pains, insomnia, joint disorders, muscle disorders.

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